Youthreach Naas


Q1: What is Youthreach & who is it for?

A: The Youthreach programme seeks to provide early school leavers (15-20 years) with the knowledge, skills and confidence required to participate fully in society and progress to further education, training and employment.

Q2: How will Youthreach help me?

A: Learners needs are identified and an individual learner plan is negotiated, within the framework of the centre’s capacity.

Q3: What do people like about Youthreach?

A: Participants of the Youthreach programme find it an opportunity to re-engage in education, to learn new skills and gain qualifications. They also mentioned the range of subject choices that interested them. The teachers are friendly /supportive /understanding and encouraging. They teach you at your own pace and don’t leave you out, they also treat you with respect.

Q4: How long is the Youthreach course?

A: Youthreach operates, usually over 2 years on a full time year round basis, and delivers 35 hours Education and training per week for 45 weeks.

Q5: What is the Youthreach programme?

A: Basic skill training , practical work training and general education are features of the programme, and the application of new technology is integrated into all aspects of the programme content. The programme provides strong emphasis on personal development, on the core skills of literacy/numeracy, communication and IT, along with a choice of vocational options such as Catering, Hairdressing, Computers, Woodwork, Photography, Video, Sports, Art and Craft, and a work experience programme.

Q6: What are the aims of Youthreach?

A: Identify the learners needs and negotiate an individual learner plan Support learners in overcoming personal social and learning difficulties, developing self-confidence to enable them to participate in society, and in gaining a range of competencies essential for further learning Provide a range of educational training ,and work experience options to enable the learners to have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enhance their employability, so as to progress to further education (e.g. VTOS, PLC’s) training, employment or other life choices.

Q7: Who provides the Youthreach programme?

A: These programmes are managed at national level by the Department of Education & Science and at local level by Education and Training Boards (ETBs). They are delivered in Youthreach education centres, which are operational for 226 days per annum.

Q8:Will I get paid if I join a Youthreach programme?

A: Courses are free of charge and a training allowance is paid. This depends on your age. Many centres have special programmes for lone parents. You will have access to guidance and counselling on the programme from the counsellor and the advocate.
