Youthreach Naas

Hello and welcome to our website, we hope this information will help you make the positive choice to join our successful programme.

What is Youthreach Naas?

Youthreach Naas is a Department of Education and Skills official education, training and work experience programme for early school leavers aged 15 – 20. It offers young people the opportunity to identify options within young adult life, and provides them with opportunities to acquire certification. As it operates on a full-time, year-round basis, Youthreach Naas has a continuous admissions policy.

Youthreach Naas are part of Kildare and Wicklow ETB.

Youthreach Naas is a two year full-time programme for early school leavers aged between 15 and 20 years. It offers a flexible and dynamic programme of integrated General Education, Vocational Training, Work Experience and Sports.

The Main Objectives of Youthreach Naas are:
  • Social, Personal, and Health Educational development.
  • Promoting independence, personal autonomy and a pattern of lifelong learning.
  • Integration into further education and training opportunities.
  • Promoting active citizenship and social inclusion.
  • Provide opportunities for National Certification. ( QQI Level 3 full award and QQI Level 4 full award.)
How do we work?

Our highly trained staff work holistically with students and provide an educational and training environment that cares. We aim to encourage a student’s strengths, support their weaknesses and develop life skills for their future.

We hope that you will find our website informative and that it will give you a good idea about the opportunities Youthreach provides young people. Please check out past student’s experiences and what they say in our video diary section.

If you would like to visit and see what our centre in Naas has to offer - please feel free to call 045-8880938 0r 087-1210068 and arrange an appointment. We look forward to meeting you.

Youthreach Naas aims to provide a safe and holistic programme at all times. Our Safe-Guarding Statement (Template 4) and Anti-Bullying Policy were reviewed on the 30/11/2023 by KWETB's Oversight Committee.

Jonathan McNab
Centre Co-ordinator
